Import / Export  Utilities


For using Import or Export utilities you need first to select a folder for Import or Export. That is done the same way as for Image Depot Master using the directory tree on the left. 

The forth tab of Scripthea contains an Import utility of converting image files from some text-to-image generator. You have three choices to import from:

  1. Stable diffusion. During regular operation of Scripthea the images from Stable Diffusion A1111 or ComfyUI are transferred to Scripthea internally and saved by Scripthea without meta-data in them. All meta-data is saved in DESCRIPTION.idf file. In some cases when you need to import images saves by SDA in its Output folder you can use this import utility. These files contain meta-information which the utility will save in DESCRIPTION.idf file. The metadata (if any) is shown next to the image. Any images without metadata will not be imported.
  2. External generator. It behaves exactly as Stable diffusion option but Scripthea will import all checked files regardless of their metadata (or absence of it).
  3. Craiyon web generator. In this case the filename contains the prompt and meta-data is not avalable.

To import some images follow the steps:

  • select the folder with the images using the directory tree
  • check/uncheck if you wish to keep the names or Scripthea will generate shorter name for you
  • decide what to do with unchecked files from the list - delete or keep them
  • browse the images and check the ones you like
  • click Import

If the folder contains image depot and some other image files, only the files witch are not in the description.idf will be shown. That way you can incrementally add files to an image depot.

Import will be extended to other sources of generated images as long as some standardization is established. At the moment only images generated by and Stable Diffusion are fully supported. The field of text-to-image generation is very dynamic (fluid) future adjustments of this utility are to be expected.

Export utility takes an image depot and exports selected subset to another folder.

Follow the steps:

  • select the folder with the images using the directory tree
  • select the image type to export into: keep the current type, .png or .jpg
  • Scripthea can rename the images to the prompt they have been generated with (with some length restrictions)
  • generate (or not) webpage which include all the exported images for review or publishing
  • browse the images and select the ones you like
  • click Export (see an example of generated webpage)

Two files export-template.xhml and export-template.opts (in Config folder) are used in webpage creation: the first one is a webpage template and the second contains some options as image size, number of images per row, etc. You can modify them as you see fit. The template syntax is obvious (to me), if you have any doubt - try it, if you are still puzzled - drop me a line.