Install Scripthea applicationIf you would like just to run Scripthea application then download (~34Mb). Unzip it some folder, run ScriptheaSetup.exe from that folder and follow the instructions. Scripthea application runs on Microsoft Windows 7, 8, 10 and 11. You might have warnings from your anti-virus software. I can assure you that all possible measures to keep my computer virus free have been taken. The most likely reason to have that warning is as the software is under active development and the installation executable is updated regularly so there is no enough time for the executable file to prove to the anti-virus stats that is safe. As result of that you have "Warning on Reputation-based Protection" which is unavoidable at this stage of development. Alternatively, if you have some programming experience and Visual Studio 2019 (or 2022) (Pro or Enterprise Edition) Scripthea is a open source project so you can download sources from github and compile the Scripthea executable yourself. Uninstalling Scripthea application can be done the usual Windows way - Uninstall a program from Control Panel. LicenceThe software product Scripthea application is a freeware under the
Creative Commons by-nv-nd-3.0
Download the sources of ScriptheaIf you would like to look inside Scripthea code, out of curiosity or with more creative intentions, the sources are in GitHub repository You might browse the README first when you go there. I'm using C# language with .NET framework 4.8, WPF for GUI and Visual Studio 2019 as IDE. Two third party libraries in use are Newtonsoft.Json and ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit both free at the present time. LicenceThe sources are distributed under open source MIT licence. (see Wikipedia ref)
Stable DiffusionCurrently, only Stable Diffusion text-to-image generator usage is fully developed. In order to unlock the full potential of Scripthea you need to have installation of Stable Diffusion webUI by AUTOMATIC1111 (aka A1111) from repository. This good and brief video will lead you step by step thru the installation process. The last addition to A1111 is SDXL last generation models, adding them is a bit trickier (you would need some expertise on the matter) but I think it is worth it and YouTube guides are always there to help. For ComfyUI installation follow one of many installation videos on
YouTube. That one, for example:
Hear more about A1111 and
ComfyUI on their respective pages. |
What to do after Scripthea installationAfter installation you need to customize your Scripthea installation to your environment. Here are the steps to follow, some of them are optional (marked [opt]):
Further personalizationFurther personalization is a question of taste and time you can spend understanding and testing models and tools. e.g. Scripthea python sMacros. My personal preferences lean towards ComfyUI flavor of SD, because of its speed and flexibility, the last one is a double-edge sword though. Models: The two major websites offering a huge collections of models are hugging face and civitai. The chosen model reflects your intentions as general style (arty vs realistic) and subjects. The support section of this website has a page Model testing . The results there reflex not unlimited time I can spend testing models and my personal preferences /taste. There are a good number images, so you can create you own first-hand impression about different models (all free).