A cue is the descriptive part of a prompt (prompt = cue + modifiers).
Cues in Scripthea are list of descriptive texts in *.cues files in cues folder. There are two types of cues' folders: Scripthea own and External collections with tens of thousands of cues.
In Single mode, you
can use one cue and more than one modifier in a row.
In any of the modes here after you let Scripthea update both or some fields you have the final word of editing before the prompt is used in generation of an image. The crossed arrow button top/right allows you to randomly select a cue if you are tired or believe in your good fortune. After the desired prompt is composed you either click on Generate image if you are connected to Stable Diffusion or any other image generator OR click on blue copy button to use the clipboard to transfer the prompt to a image generator (usually on the web). |
In scan mode in
front of each cue there is a square check box. In this case any
number of cues can be selected. Cue lists are organized in tabs
(lists) grouped
in two pools (A & B). When select for scan mode, any number of cues from one pool can
be selected.
When you scan, the list of selected cues is combined with modifiers following the simple rule: a prompt = one cue + all fixed modifiers + some scannable modifiers. The number of scannable modifiers is defined by modifiers sample number in modifier options. To make your life easier there is a menu (three teal bars button - top/right) with Check All; Uncheck All, Invert Checking and Check with a Mask commands in it. As you probably notice the prompt view will go under in scan mode. That is done not to mislead you what the prompt is (they are many). After you have made your selection there are two ways to continue. If you are connected to Stable Diffusion you can do Scan directly or via Scan Preview. Scan preview allows you the browse the candidate prompts and select a subset of them. Another way to use Scan Review is go for some image generator (SD including) that accepts a list of prompts. From Scan Preview panel you can copy chosen prompts into the clipboard or save as text file, in order to feed the image generator. |
Pool Map (Scripthea
own cues and external collections) Cues pool is a group of cue lists. Currently there are only two of them (A & B). Click on the left of the cue item to check/uncheck to enable/disable it. Click on the right to select the cue item for transfer into the other pool using the arrows in the middle. From Pool Map tab you can transfer cue lists from one pool to the other (left/right arrow) or hide a cue list if needed (checkboxes). You can reorder using up/down arrow, first select an item and then move it. In similar manner operate rename (a pencil) button and delete (cross) button. The third button from the bottom in case of ext. collection will copy the extraction options from the selected cues list to the extraction panel. Any new (unseen before) cues list will appear in Pool A. Another way to group cues is to select (and load) different cues' folder. All the cues' folders must be subdirectories of the <root> cues folder (Cues), fixed in Scripthea folder. When you open Pool Map tab Scripthea will read all cues' folders and list them in the combobox. Then you select one of them and load it. Each of the loaded cues' folders has its own pool map. After installation of Scripthea will have two types of cues' lists: Scripthea own cues' lists and External collections prompts (they function as cues in Scripthea. The later can be recognized by -coll ending (for collection). Once you load an external collection you need to extract some cues in cues' lists. Available extraction options are: segment - consider only part of the collection; size in words - limit the prompt length; you can look for a particular word(s) in a filter field (as in the viewer) and finally you can limit the length of result list by random sampling to a certain size. All the extraction options are checkable, but the final length cannot exceed 1000 cues, as recommended length would be below 500. For some external collections you can add a categories selection and sensitivity to the selection criteria (see on the right). All the prompts in such a collection are categorized in 1, 2 or 3 categories, done by Meta's LLama 3.3 70B. The categories attributed to one prompt have weights in percents. The sensitivity is the threshold above which any of selected above categories will trigger selection. A sensible sensitivity would be between 20% and 70%. Very useful feature, try it for more clarity. Scripthea proper cues are well groomed, still, the total number is less than 1000. While the external collections are measure in tens of thousands If you need to scan over cues from different cues folders, load them one by one and use Append to the preview button. |
Image Depot as cue
list You can open an image depot as cue list and it will function as one. Selection (in blue) will function in single mode as radio checkbox (from regular cue list) and the square checkbox as cue list check boxes in scan mode. The feature is very useful when you are trying modifiers incrementally. After some random or not so random experiments you reach to a point where you have a set of images you like but you would like to experiment further (or even improve upon). In that case, you take the chosen set in a image depot and open it in cues panel, after some experimentation (e.g. scanning) you will have another set you like even better and open it here... and on and on. Along with the cues in API mode of SD you can copy SD parameters of selected image with set SD params button to parameters Stable Diffusion tab. |
Cue Editor Cue list (here interchangeable with cues) can be created manually (using Notepad or any plain text editor). All the *.cues files are in cues folder of Scripthea data folder (next to config and images folders). The cues file
format is simple text file containing multi-line texts separated by
"---". In the editor you can start from scratch (an empty one) or use existing one or use image depot description.idf as a base. +/- buttons top left will add/remove a cue. Use commands by selecting command from the left combo-box and sub-command from the right one. Then click DO IT ! to execute. Browse commands here to see what is available:
The most convenient way to add new cue is just select it in your browser or editor and then drag and drop in the next empty cue box. |
If you select a word or phrase from the cue and right click, from the popup menu you can Copy or Cut the selected section to the clipboard OR Google for synonyms or the meaning of it. |